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Wuxi Zhisihui Welding Technology Co., Ltd

Professional manufacturer of ultrasonic welding machine

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Ultrasonic welding machine equipment
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Wuxi Zhisihui Welding Technology Co., Ltd

Telephone: 13003325815

Contact: Manager Zhang

Mailbox: mxter168@163.com

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Address: Building 1, No. 6, Chunhui Road, Huishan Economic Development Zone, Wuxi City

Hot melt machine

Hot melt machine

  • Classification:Hot melt welding
  • Views:second
  • Date of issue:2020-12-09
  • Product overview

Ultrasonic welding machine equipment

Functional characteristics of the hot melt machine produced by the ultrasonic welding machine equipment manufacturer:

1. Constant temperature heating

2. The level of the indenter structure is adjustable and easy to debug

3. Use imported precision guide rails to feed in and out in parallel and double linear bearings for auxiliary crimping to ensure production quality.

4. Precise digital display time controller controls the crimping time, ultra-wide time adjustable

5. Used for thermal bonding of all kinds of plastic parts

6. The stroke of the indenter is adjustable, suitable for the thermal connection of plastic columns of different heights

7. Mainly used for the plastic hot-slice operation mode of mobile phone electrical displays and various electronic products. Semi-automatic, pressure head mode: constant temperature hot pressure.


Next:Hot plate machine2020-12-09

Wuxi Zhisihui Welding Technology Co., Ltd

Contact: Manager Zhang

Tel: 18661080091

Contact: Manager Wang

Tel: 15052254070

Contact: Manager She


Telephone: 0510-85855767 / 0510-83760992

Email: mxter168@163.com

Address: Building 1, No. 6, Chunhui Road, Huishan Economic Development Zone, Wuxi City

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